Sunday, August 30, 2015

Eleven Months

This has been a wild two months.  The biggest change by far is that this girl is mobile!  June started pulling up to standing, cruising, and crawling all within a few days.  She is all over the place these days, pulling up on the coffee table, trying to climb the stairs, and even standing on her own for a few seconds.  

June also got her first tooth!  And her second, and then her third and fourth at the same time (see 48 Weeks photo for reaction to these last two teeth)!  

She started saying "mama" and several other sounds.  She is getting really good at picking up food and getting it into her mouth.  Her favorite toys are her bongos and books.    

June loves to *chomp chomp chomp* when she eats, no matter what it is, especially if the food she eats does not require chewing.  She also loves to shake her head, clap her hands, and give high fives. She gets a kick out of looking at herself in the mirror and when Banjo sniffs her head.  And she is the best shopping companion - sitting in the cart, happy, and checking out the world.  She is just such a smiling, funny, and fun girl these days!  

First time in a hotel bed

June traveled to Chicago to meet her cousins Henry & Charlie, and Uncle Tom

June celebrates the 4th of July with Aunt Dana!

Nothing cuter than a puppy napping on a baby

June <3 her Nana

Cousin playtime

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Nine Months

The last month feels like it has been a big one.  June's "vocabulary" has increased quite a bit.  She says "dada*" a lot and other sounds like "ba" and "ca" and even a "ma" here and there!

June is scooting herself around on her bottom and tummy* and can even push herself up to her knees, but is not yet crawling.  She LOVES to sit and play with her toys.  Her favorite toy right now is her board book "First 100 Words".  It's always the first one she picks out of her toy box.  She also likes to stand up and walk around with some help.  We have even taken her to the park where she loves to swing*.

June has moved up to the next class at daycare, which is great!  She is now around kids who are doing a lot of things on their own and are very mobile.  We're hoping she learns a lot from her classmates.  One of the big things she is learning in her new class is to eat on her own by picking up little pieces of food and putting them in her mouth.  June is eating all kinds of foods now: chicken, cheese, oatmeal, barley, and lots of fruits and veggies.  Her favorite right now is cheese.

June also took swim lessons this month, where she practiced kicking while on her tummy and back, watched mom showing her how to blow bubbles, and even went under water!

At her nine month appointment, June weighed 18.8 pounds (gaining 3.5 pounds since her six month appointment) and measured 26.5 inches (a 1.4 inch increase).

*Click for video

Napping in mom's arms - a sweet but rare thing these days

Swim lessons

Meeting mom's high school friend, Lindsey